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US- World History I: Sacred Spaces Project 2018: Assignment


World History I:  Sacred Spaces Group Presentation (75 pts)


The focus of this assignment is to explore different types of religious architecture and the function that they serve in their communities.  Your task is to research your group’s assigned building.  You will have in-class workdays from Monday, DECEMBER 3ththrough Thursday, DECEMBER 6th.  


Group 1: Alt-Neue (Old-New) Synagogue (Prague)

Group 2: Blue Mosque (Istanbul)

Group 3: Chartres Cathedral (France)

Group 4: Borobudur (Java, Indonesia)

Group 5: Brihadisvara Temple (India)


On Tuesday, DECEMBER 11th your group will present your building to the rest of the class.  The presentation must be 5-7 minutes with each member of the group participating.The presentation must include the following:


Background Information:

TYPED ****bullet-point outline of your in-class presentation due on Tuesday, December 11th:

  1. History of the building (Is it dedicated to any particular figure, group, idea? By whom was it built?  When? Why? Where?)
  2. Description of the exterior of the building (What does it look like? Any special design or details?)
  3. Description of the interior (Is there an interior space? What is it used for? How is it decorated?)
  4. Reason for the architectural layout/floor plan (What function does it serve? What kind of floor plan does it have?)
  5. Symbolism/connection of important decorations (What story do they represent? Do they serve serve a function within the structure?


****Note: A “bullet-point” can be a phrase and must not exceed two sentences. 



  1. Pictures of the exterior of the building
  2. Pictures of the interior space
  3. Image of the floor plan (structural layout)
  4. Pictures of important interior or exterior decorations (mosaic above the altar, painting on the wall, statue, etc)

Each visual must have a caption and include a footnote.



A note on sources, you must use:

  • One book source
  • One web source
  • One written primary source


You must have a typed, Chicago style bibliography. 


Library Grade:You begin the assignment with 5 points for staying on task and contributing to your group’s efforts. You will lose points from your library grade each time you are off task.  
