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World History 9:- Renaissance Lifetime Achievement Award 2018: Assignment



World History I

Renaissance Lifetime Achievement Award


Your goal is to persuade me, the President of the Charlotte Latin Institute of Renaissance Life, to

award your figure a lifetime achievement award for exceptional contributions to the Renaissance. In

order for your figure to be considered for this prestigious award, you must make a presentation to

the Institute’s Award Committee. The presentation must include rationale for why your figure

should win the award (thesis), background information about your figure, a description of three

works created by him/her (include images), and a description of how one work connects to a

Renaissance ideal, how one work connects to one our Themes of study, and how one work connects

to something in present day. In addition to the presentation, you must submit a written paper to the

Institute’s Award Committee.



A 2-4-page paper proving your artist’s worth as a candidate through the three connections. As a

reminder, a paper must have: an introduction with a thesis, body-paragraphs with topic sentences,

supporting evidence and analysis, and a concluding statement, and a conclusion paragraph. It must

be typed, double-spaced, and include both footnote citations and a Chicago Style Bibliography.

Do not use first or second person.

The oral presentation should be between 4-5 minutes. If your presentation exceeds five minutes,

you will be cut off. It should be rehearsed and prepared in advance (i.e. don’t read). Please prepare

a slide show that will be projected from your iPad.

Please print your paper and submit it to before class.



This assignment is worth 100 points: 75 points for the essay, 25 points for the presentation.



Tuesday, February 27th – Research in the Library

Wednesday, February 28th – Research in the Library

Thursday, March 1st – Research in the Library

Friday, March 2nd – Research in the Library

Monday, March 5th – Research in Library

Tuesday, March 6th – Presentations Begin

Wednesday, March 7th – Presentations Continue

Thursday, March 8th – Finish Presentations and Papers Due at the beginning of class


Renaissance Ideals (primary source quotations):


“The greatest gifts are often seen, in the course of nature, rained by celestial influences on human

creatures; and sometimes, in supernatural fashion, beauty, grace, and talent are united beyond

measure in one single person, in a manner that to whatever such an one turns his attention, his every

action is so divine, that, surpassing all other men, it makes itself clearly known as a thing bestowed

by God (as it is), and not acquired by human art.” Giorgio Vasari


“Oh unsurpassed generosity of God the Father, Oh wondrous and unsurpassable felicity of man, to

whom it is granted to have what he chooses, to be what he wills to be!” Giovanni Pico della Mirandola


“To this I might add that man ought to give some reward to God, to satisfy him with good works in

return for the wonderful gifts which he gave to the spirit of man exalting and magnifying it beyond

that all of other earthly beings.” Leon Battista Alberti


“The whole glory of man lies in activity.” Leonardo Bruni


“Man is the measure of all things.” Protagoras


“Wisdom is the daughter of experience.” Leonardo Da Vinci


Eligible Participants

Isabella d'Este

Andrea Palladio

Giuseppe Arcimboldo

Albrecht Durer

Fra Angelico

Piero della Francesca

Paolo Uccello

Matthias Grunewald



Filippo Brunelleschi

Sandro Botticelli

Andrea Mantegna

Hans Holbein, the Younger

Lorenzo Ghiberti

Giovanni Bellini

Giorgio Vasari

Baldassare Castiglione

